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国务院国有资产监督管理委员会研究局副局长  楚序平
                                                                                                                                                        With the mission of “Providing high-quality projects and creating harmonious homes”, China State Construction Engrg.
            Chu Xuping, Deputy Director General of Research Bureau of SASAC, State Council                                                          Corp. Ltd Sustainability Report 2011 (hereinafter referred as “the Report”) has fully disclosed its concepts, actions and
                                                                                                                                                    performances of sustainable development. It is an excellent sustainability report that has fully reflected the characteristics
                《中国建筑股份有限公司2011可持续发展报告》报告围绕“奉献精品工程,营造和谐家园”的使                                                                                        of the industry and the features of the enterprise.
                                                                                                                                                        In the structure, the Report focuses on the full disclosure of seven core issues including the sustainable operations,
                                                                                                                                                    the innovation in the industry chain, the quality, the safety, the environmental protection, the employees and the society,
            的优秀的可持续发展报告。                                                                                                                            and the revelation of its mechanism related to value creation. In particular, the stakeholders’ comments have been added
                在结构上,《报告》重点对可持续经营、产业链创新、质量、安全、环境、员工和社会七大核心                                                                                          to seven main sections of the Report accordingly, which increases the credibility of the Report, and reflects the Company
                                                                                                                                                    attaches importance to and strengthens the communication with stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                        In the content, the Report concentrates on the comprehensive information and makes more detailed disclosure of
            价的内容,增强了报告可信度,同时反映出公司不断重视并加强与利益相关方沟通。                                                                                                   the measures to perform responsibility and the key performance indicators in its seven sections, specifically, the Report
                在内容上,《报告》注重信息的全面性,对履责措施和关键绩效指标进行了更为详细地披露:                                                                                           reveals the Company’s continuous enhancement of its profitability through the improvement of management mechanism
                                                                                                                                                    and the win-win cooperation with stakeholders in the section of sustainable operation; its leading role in the development
                                                                                                                                                    of the industry chain with four separate segments including concept, management, science and technology, and services
            利能力;在全产业链创新部分,从理念、管理、科技、服务四个独立板块分别披露对产业链发展的带                                                                                            in the section of innovations in the entire industry chain; its first-class quality control in the fields of construction and real
            动作用;在质量部分,展现了公司在建筑和地产领域一流的质量控制水平;在安全部分,体现出公司                                                                                            estate in the section of quality; its action and performances in safety management in the section of safety, its integration
                                                                                                                                                    of green concepts into the entire process of development, design, construction and office in the section of environmental
                                                                                                                                                    protection; its commitment to building a harmonious platform for the development of employees and fostering the spirits
            办公的全过程;在员工方面,体现出公司致力于为员工营造和谐发展平台以及员工创先争优的精神风                                                                                            of excellence in the section of employee; and its action and performance in promoting the economic, political and cultural
            貌;在社会方面,展现出公司作为国际运营商,不断推动业务所在地经济、政治、文化发展的行动和                                                                                            development of project-sites as an international business operator in the section of society. Further, the Report discloses
                                                                                                                                                    the relevant information on great withdrawal from Libya, affordable housing projects, so that stakeholders can make a
                                                                                                                                                    systematic and in-depth understanding of the Company’s significant practices of responsibility implementation in 2011.
            地了解公司2011年重大履责实践。在形式上,《报告》注重运用生动的图形、表格等表达方式,重点                                                                                          It is the vivid graphics, tables and others that make the Report more readable with its salient points, clear structure and
            突出,条理清晰,语言简练,具有较好的可读性。                                                                                                                  concise language.
                                                                                                                                                        As the championship enterprise in the industry, it is hoped that China Construction’s coming reports will further
                                                                                                                                                    increase the disclosure of key performance indicators of social responsibility, and enhance the transparency of its
            度,进一步提升公司运营的透明度。期待中国建筑的下一份报告更加精彩!                                                                                                       operations. We look forward to seeing an even more outstanding report next time.

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