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Page 85 - shehuizeren2011
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慰问制度  Aiding Systems  张德江做出学习陈超英的重要批示,中宣部12月组织人               Zhaoguo and Zhang Dejiang made important instructions to learn from
                                                               Chen Chaoying.  The Central Propaganda Department organized media
 The Company implements a range of support systems. These   民日报、新华社、中央人民广播电台、中央电视台、光
 公司落实定期慰问制度,帮扶困难员工,深入开展                                        of the People’s Daily, the Xinhua News Agency, the Central People's   关于我们
 include the “Three-Ensure” policy, and the “Five Necessary Visits”,   明日报、工人日报、中国妇女报等媒体进行重点报道。
 “三不让”活动,做到“五必访”、“五必知”、“五必  “Five Necessary Understanding” and “Five Necessary Help” to free   Broadcasting Station, CCTV, the Guangming Daily, the Worker's Daily, the
 帮”,帮助困难员工解决后顾之忧。2011年,公司总部发  needy employees from their worries. In 2011, the Company distributed   在任职期间,她每年平均有200多天深入施工一线,先  China Women's Daily, among others, to produce in-depth reports. During
 a special allowance of one million Yuan to help employees with   后8次深入金沙悬崖绝壁的公路项目,3次辗转20 多个小  her lifetime, she worked in the front line for more than 200 days a year,    About Us
 放慰问资金100万元,二级单位发放慰问金1054.95万元。  difficulties, and secondary affiliates distributed 10.5495 million Yuan.  paying eight visits to the site of Jinsha Cliff Road project, and travelling
            时、带十几大包急需物资和慰问物品深入刚果(布)项                           more than 20 hours to a project site in Congo with needed supplies
            目。她被员工亲切地称为“大姐书记”、“群众的贴心                           and goods. She was affectionately called “sister secretary” and “bosom   可持续经营
 “三不让”“Three-Ensure” policy                                    friends of the masses”. She had successively received the “National
                                                               Labor Medal” and the title of “National Labor Women Models”, and was
 不让一名员工看不起病  Ensure each employee can afford to see the doctor;  帼标兵”,是公司创先争优活动中涌现出的先进楷模。  an advanced model in the A-Good Campaign.
 不让一名员工子女上不起学  Ensure each child of employees can afford to go to school;                                            Sustainable Operation
 不让一个员工家庭生活在当地贫困线以下  Ensure each family can enjoy living above the local poverty line.

 “五必访”:对员工重大节日必访、生病必访、有困  “Five Necessary Visits”: visit employees during major festivals, visit
 难必访、有思想情绪必访、工作情况必访。  sick employees, visit needy employees or employees in trouble,
 visit employees with unstable thinking and emotions, and visit
 “五必知”:企业生产经营情况必知、员工家庭成员  employee’s working situation.
 情况必知、员工工作学习情况必知、员工收入生活情  “Five Necessary Understanding”: understand production and
 况必知、员工思想情绪情况必知。  operation, understand employees’ family life, understand how
 employees’ study, understand employees’ income, and understand
 “五必帮”:员工工作中有困难必帮,生活中有困难  employees’ thinking and emotion.                                                           Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 必帮,思想上有困惑必帮,家庭出现重大变故必帮,  “Five Necessary Help”: help needy employees in work, help their living
 提高技术技能必帮。  arrangements, help employees with thought, help employees deal   陈超英同志事迹很感人,她既是国企干部的好榜样,又是纪检监察干部的好榜样,商请中
 with great change in the family and help employees improve skills.
                          I am quite moved at Chen’s stories. She is a good example both for leaders in state-owned enterprises and for
                       leaders in Discipline Inspection Committees. I have consulted and requested the Central Propaganda Department,   质
 金秋助学  Student Aid Project  SASAC and Hunan Provincial Committee to further sum up and publicize Chen’s advanced deeds.    量
 The Company continues to carry out “Student Aid Project”                                                            Quality
 公司持续开展“金秋助学”活动,对困难员工子女入                                     ——中共中央政治局常委、中央纪律检查委员会书记  贺国强
 activities by understanding and investigating of the situation of needy
 学情况进行摸底调查,确定重点帮扶对象。2011年投入资  employees’ children, and determining the benefits of our activities. In   — He Guoqiang, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Member of the Standing
                                                           Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee
 金34万元,帮助140名员工子女继续学业。  2011, the Company invested 340,000 Yuan and helped the children of                            全 安
 140 employees to continue their studies.                                                                            Safety

 创先争优                荣誉及利益相关方评价                                                                                       境 环
 A-Good Campaign     Honors and Stakeholders' Comments                                                               Environment

 中国建筑以创先争优促进公司科学发展。公司成立创  China Construction set up a leadership group for the A-Good   获全国五一劳动奖状6 个  6 recipients of "National Labor Award"
 Campaign, and took the spirit of “being a top-rated enterprise among                                               员
 先争优领导小组,以争创央企一流、行业排头的精神,全                                                                                            工
 central enterprises and in the industry” to carry out the activities of   获全国五一劳动奖章7 人  7 recipients of "National Labor Medal"
 方位开展创先争优“十百千工程”活动。公司加大对创先  “10-100-1,000 Project”. The Company intensified its efforts to publicize                 Staff
 争优活动的宣传力度,使员工及时了解公司创先争优活动  the A-Good Campaign so that employees can keep abreast of its situation   获 “全国文明单位”6 个  6 "National Civilized Unit"
 and the deeds of employees. Through the activity, a good atmosphere has   11 recipients of "National Workers' Pioneer"
 动态及员工事迹等信息,形成 “比学赶帮超、人人争上    获全国工人先锋号11 个                                                                          社
 been formed in which employees can learn and help each other.                                                        会
 游”的良好氛围。                  获全国先进基层党组织1 个            1 "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization".
 Case Study: Chen Chaoying, Our “Sister Secretary”                                                                   Society
 Chen Chaoying, the former Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary   获中央企业青年文明号7 个  7 recipients of "Youth Civilization of Central Enterprise"
 of Discipline Committee and Chairwoman of Trade Union of the Civil   5 recipients of "Skilled Youth of Central Enterprise"
 中国建筑五局土木公司原党委副书记、纪委书记、  Engineering Company under the China Construction 5th Engineering   获中央企业青年岗位能手5 人
 工会主席陈超英,是国有企业领导干部的杰出代表。  Bureau, is an outstanding representative among the leaders of state-  获全国安康杯竞赛优秀企业13 个  13 "National Ankang Cup Outstanding Enterprise"
 owned enterprises. On June 13th 2011, she unfortunately died in a car
 2011年6月13日,她在慰问职工家属返程途中发生车祸,                       2 recipients of "National Internal Audit Advanced Worker"
 accident on her way home after paying a visit to employee’s families.   获全国内部审计先进工作者2 人
 不幸因公殉职,时年53岁。中央领导贺国强、王兆国、  She was then 53 years old.The central leaders, He Guoqiang, Wang

 082  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 083
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