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减污减排  Reducing Pollution and Emission  案例:绿色建造施工管理
 Adhering to environmental protection and “control — reduction
 公司坚持控制—减量—再利用环保路线,完善“三  — recycling”, China Construction has improved its emissions systems   中国建筑将绿色理念融入到新加坡勿洛商业中心项目设计,建造全过程。在设计方面,建筑外立面玻璃幕墙采用双层  关于我们
 for the “three wastes” (wastewater, waste gas and waste residue),   玻璃,使用节能的空调系统、电梯以及扶梯,采用节水设计的卫浴设施等。在建造过程中,加强建筑材料的精细化管理,
 and strives to control waste emissions within the scope stipulated
 内,推广环保新技术,减少废弃物排放,推进废弃物的资  in national standards. The Company has also expanded its new   推广使用绿色建材,做好建筑垃圾的分类回收。勿洛商业中心平均耗电量减少569,697千瓦时/年;平均耗水减少36,989方   About Us
 源化。  environmental technology to reduce the waste emissions and promote   /年,荣获新加坡建设局“绿色标志-金奖”。
 the recycling of wastes.
                                                                   Case Study: Management in Green Construction     可持续经营
                                                                   China Construction integrated the green concept into the
 降低粉尘  减少光污染                                                   entire design and construction process of Bedok Business Center in
 Dust reduction  Light pollution reduction                     Singapore. In terms of design, the company used double-layer glass in
                                                               the glass curtain wall, an energy-saving air-conditioning system, lifts
                                                               and escalators, and water-saving bathroom facilities. In the process
 控制:在施工过程中配置粉尘监控人员,定点监测粉尘浓度,  控制:在夜间施工时,严格遵守国家相关规定,合理布置现场                                                            Sustainable Operation
 将粉尘控制在国家标准以内。  照明,调整灯光照射方向,透光集中在施工范围,减少对周围                    of construction, the Company strengthened detailed management in
 居民生活的干扰。                                                      building materials, promoted the use of green building materials, and
 闭的绿标车运输土方;在施工现场大门出入口设置洗车槽,清  减量:加强光污染管理,在高处电焊作业时采取遮挡措施,避      classified its garbage collection. The average power consumption of
 洗绿标车的灰尘,减少绿标车对市容的影响。  免电弧光外泄。                                 Bedok Business Center was reduced by 569,697 KWh per year, and   全产业链创新
 Control: assign staff for dust monitoring in construction sites and monitor dust concentration at   Control: strictly abide by state regulations regarding night construction, use a reasonable layout   average water consumption was reduced by 36,989 meters per year.
 designated places as well as control it within the scope stipulated in national standards.  of lighting on construction sites, and adjust the direction of light to the construction area so as   The project was awarded a BCA Green Mark-Gold by the Singapore
 to reduce its impact on the life of the surrounding residents.  Construction Bureau.
 Reduction: promote dust reduction in construction, use black dust net to cover earthworks,
 transport earthworks with green label trucks, set up truck washing ponds at the construction   Reduction: strengthen the management of light pollution, and use screens when welding at
 gates to the site to clean dust and lessen impact on the city.  height to avoid the exposure of the arc.  生态保护  Ecological Protection
                                                                   The Company has anticipated the carrying capacity of ecological
                公司在工程建设的过程中预先考虑生态环境承载能                         environment in the process of construction, improved its ecological    Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
                                                               protection system, and strictly abides by the laws of the country and
                                                               international conventions where the project exists. The Company
 控制:配置噪声监测人员,实时监测与控制施工现场;做好施  控制:在施工现场设置建筑垃圾堆放点,分类放置、及时清运  和国际公约,积极开展地质影响评价、气候风险评估和生  also actively conducts geological impact assessments, climate risk
 工计划,将施工作业时间控制在6:00-22:00,错开噪声大的作业,  生活垃圾与建筑垃圾。  物多样性管理,保护固有的生态系统,实现项目工程与周  evalsuations and manages biodiversity to protect the ecosystem and
 避免噪声集中排放。                                                     achieve harmony between the project and the surrounding ecological
 减量:加强建筑材料的使用管理,减少建筑垃圾的产生。                                                                                          质
 减量:制定控制人为噪声的管理制度,推广使用低噪音、低  循环利用:利用相关设施将大块混凝土、土方、碎石等建筑垃  边生态和谐共生。  environment.                                      量
 振动的机具,采取隔音与隔振措施,避免或减少施工噪音和  圾加工成粗沙沙子、细沙子、泥沙等可再生材料,推进建筑垃
 振动。                                                                                                                 Quality
 圾资源化;执行“领出多少材料,交回多少包装”的规定,统                                                    回植植物并安排专人定期施肥、养
 Control: assign staff to monitor noise, conduct real-time monitoring and control on construction   一收集、集中储存水泥袋、胶桶包装,通知供应商及时回收。  护,分类袋装生活垃圾和废弃物,
 sites; design good construction plans, control the working time between 6:00 and 22:00, stagger   Control: designate a place to pile up on site waste, make classifications, and timely clear and   组织开展野生动植物保护宣传,标  努力将生态环境恢复到施工前。
 operations with high noise to avoid concentrated noise emissions.  识出工程区域内的珍稀植物,将需                                 安
 remove waste garbage and construction.  做好施工计划安排,避免在野生动  要移植的植物交予专人就近养护。       Replant the plants and assign individuals to conduct regular     全
 Reduction: formulate management systems to control artificial noise, promote the use of low-  Reduction: strengthen the management of building materials to reduce the generation of   植物保护区内、野生动物繁殖季节  fertilization and conservation, bag all classified garbage
 noise and low-vibration devices, and take noise and vibration isolation measures to avoid or   construction waste.  时施工,并列出受工程建筑影响的  Carry out public initiatives for wildlife protection, label rare   and waste, and ensure that the ecological environment is    Safety
 reduce its impact.  动植物名单。                     plants within the project area, and transfer plants that need   restored to pre-construction levels.
 Recycling: deploy related equipment so as to process mass concrete, earthworks, and gravel   to be transplanted to the nearest conservation.
 construction waste into different renewable materials like coarse sand, fine sand and sediment to   Avoid construction in the protected areas of animals and
 promote the recycling of construction waste; carry out the uniform collection of packaging materials,   plants and during the breeding season of wildlife, and list   环
                 out the plants and animals affected by the construction.
 store cement and transport packaging, and notifying the supplier of its timely recovery.                             境
 降低噪声  减少建筑垃圾                                         在施工实施阶段                         After construction             Environment
 Noise reduction  Construction waste reduction  在施工准备阶段  At the stage of construciton
                    At the stage of preparation

 案例:零排放混凝土搅拌站  Case Study: Zero Emission in Concrete Mixing Plant  案例:生态保护培训                                         Staff
 In order to change the poor image of the concrete mixing plant   中国建筑在承建巴哈马大型海岛度假村项目前,举办
 and reduce its environmental pollution, CSCEC Concrete Co., Ltd
 尊龙凯时商砼投入近6,000万元在天津建设零排放绿色搅拌  invested nearly 60 million Yuan to build a green mixing plant with   保护生态系统专题讲座,详细介绍巴哈马关于环境和野生  社
 zero emissions in Tianjin. The plant was built using a full enclosed   动物保护相关的法律法规,特别是关于鱼类、鸟类、海龟                     会
 steel structure, equipped with sand separators, wastewater treatment
 备,安装了12个除尘器回收粉料粉尘,能够降低砂石进料  equipment and installed 12 precipitators. The equipment reduced   等动物保护相关规定和惩罚措施,提高中外员工生态保护   Society
 所产生的粉尘和噪音,杜绝废水废渣对土壤和地下水的污  the dust and noise generated by gravel feed, and put an end to the   意识。
 pollution of wastewater and residue to the soil and groundwater, and
 染,彻底改变传统搅拌站“脏、乱、差”的形象。该站年  transformed the dirty, chaotic and poor image of traditional concrete   Case Study: Training on Ecological Protection
 处理废渣可达800吨、污水2万吨。  mixing plant. The plant can now treat 800 tons of residue and 20,000   Before building the Bahamas Island Resort project, China Construction organized a special training on protecting the ecosystem, offering a
 tons of wastewater annually.  detailed introduction to all laws and regulations related to environmental and wildlife protection in Bahamas, especially relevant provisions and
            penalties related to the harm or destruction of fish, birds and other protected animals in oder to raise awareness on ecological protection among
            Chinese and foreign employees.

 072  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 073
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