Page 77 - shehuizeren2011
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绿色物业 Green Properties
The Company has incorporated a low-carbon concept into 设立“绿色办公日”,培养员工的环保意识 推广高效节能照明灯具,淘汰高耗能设备
公司将低碳理念引入物业服务中,积极开展低碳宣 its property services, actively publicizing low carbon growth and Established a "Green Office Day" to foster environmental awareness Promotes energy efficient lighting and eliminate high energy- 关于我们
expanding its application of environmental technologies in order to among staff. consuming equipment
create a green and harmonious living environment for customers and
活环境,引导客户践行低碳生活。 guide them to practice low-carbon life. About Us
We distributed promotional leaflets on energy conservation, and 提倡员工用水后随手关门水龙头,改造水 遵守国家空调室内温度控制规定,充分利
公司编制发放节能资料,开展植物认养活动,增强 耗超标设施 用自然通风
carried out plant adoption activities to enhance customers’ awareness
客户的环保意识;推进社区绿色建设,提高社区公共绿化 of environmental protection. The Company promoted greening Advocates closing the faucet after washing, and transforming Abides by national provisions on the temperature of air-conditioned 可持续经营
facilities with excessive water consumption
room, and takes full advantage of natural ventilation.
率;应用中水处理系统、太阳能照明系统,提高资源利用 construction in the community to increase its public greening rate
and adopted a grey water treatment system and a solar lighting
率;倡导垃圾分类定点投放,设置宠物粪便收集箱和废旧 system to improve the utilization rate of resources. Furthermore, 按需采购办公设备,规范办公用品的配 倡导纸张双面打印,推进无纸化办公;设
电池回收箱,加强废弃物的回收管理。 China Construction advocated garbage classification and collection 备、采购、领用 置分类垃圾箱,定期回收废纸
in designated places, and set up waste collection boxes and waste Purchases office equipment on demand, and standardizes the supply, Advocates double-sided printing, promote a paperless office, set up Sustainable Operation
battery recycling boxes to strengthen the management and recycling purchase and use of office supplies separate trash cans, and regularly collects waste newspapers
案例:绿色兑换 of waste.
Case Study: Green Exchange 全产业链创新
织开展“绿色兑换•低碳生活”的社区环保活动,以废旧 China Construction carries out “green exchange • low carbon life” 核定公车编制,加强公车用油考核管理, 精简会议数量,应用视频会议系统,推广
community environmental activities in association with the Beijing 优先选用低能耗、低污染的车辆 视频会议,减少人员赴京参会
Times, and “Green Shoots” a public environmental organization, Checks the organization of official vehicles, strengthens the Reduces the number of meetings, utilizes video conferencing
物,使客户获得美化家庭的绿色植物,提升客户的环保意 exchanging green plants with old newspapers and magazines. This evalsuation and management of oil consumption, and gives priority to systems, promotes video conferences and reduces the number of
activity has helped customers to dispose of their debris and beautify energy-saving and environmentally friendly vehicles staff that go to Beijing for meetings
their families with green plants, and enhanced their environmental
期资源回收的途径和机制,或经常性组织类似的环保公益 awareness and helped to build an environmentally friendly Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
活动。 community. Customers hope the property company can establish 案例:尊龙凯时员工林
a long-term mechanism to recover these resources, or organize a
similar environmental charity from time to time. 公司建立植树造林基地,给新入职的员工划定区域,
在空闲时间和植树活动日,修剪维护,共同建造尊龙凯时员工 量
林,提高员工的环保意识。 Quality
Case Study: CSCEC Staff Forest
The Company established a tree-planting base and designated 安
a planting area for new recruits. The Company encouraged them to
plant their own trees in the year when they started working for the Safety
Company, and guided them to prune the trees in their free time or
during tree planting activities so as to establish a CSCEC staff forest
and raise staff awareness of environmental protection. 境
荣誉及利益相关方评价 Environment
Honors and Stakeholders' Comments 工 员
绿色办公 Staff
Green Office “十一五”期间,公司万元产值综合能耗下降4.5%,超额完成国资委下达的4%指标,获得国家节能减排专业资金 社
4,824万元。 会
9个项目被列为第二批全国建筑业绿色施工示范工程。 Society
中国建筑制定办公设备管理规定和使用要求,从用 China Construction has formulated management rules and usage 承担国家“十二五”科技支撑计划课题“建筑空调及热水系统输送环节能效提升关键技术”。
requirements for office facilities, applied green concepts to electricity
电、用水、办公用品、公务招待、电话费和车辆使用等方 During the 11th Five-year Plan, the Company’s overall energy consumption per output value of 10,000 Yuan was reduced by 4.5%, exceeding the
usage, water usage, office supplies, business hospitality, phones usage
面推进绿色办公,严控接待、车辆维修、加油等日常支 and vehicle usage, and strictly controls its daily expenses for items target of 4% issued by SASAC, and received 48.24 million Yuan of national funds for energy conservation.
出。2011年,公司仅总部节水3,908吨,节燃气19,954立 such as reception, maintenance of vehicles and gas refueling. In 2011, The Company’s nine projects were listed into the second national demonstration projects for green construction.
the headquarters saved 3,908 tons of water, 19,954 cubic meters of The Company has undertaken research on one of subjects in the National Technology Support Program during the 12th Five-year Plan: “key
方米,节油7,595升,植树绿化15亩。 technology of improving the transferring efficiency of building air-conditioning and hot water system”.
gas, and 7,595 liters of fuel, and planted 15 acres of trees.
074 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 075